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St Marys Primary School Sloane Crescent, Killyleagh, Downpatrick

Celebrating European Week of Coding In St Mary's

6th Nov 2020
Celebrating European Week of Coding In St Mary’s

This week everyone in St Mary’s spent some time exploring coding activities. We were able to put into practice all the skills of coding that Barry from Nerve had helped us develop last year. 
The children all began with unplugged activities and explored how instructions had to be simple and clear if you were to reach the same goal. Some instructions needed a lot of debugging  but in the end everyone was able to achieve the same goal.   Next we explored a range of coding apps, the children discovered that the commands on the apps were different, despite this the children created algorithms to complete their task. 
Finally, some children explored programmable devices, designed their own maze for the device to navigate through and created their own algorithms. Overall we all enjoyed coding week and are very proud at how the children kept going at their activities and worked with each other to debug the algorithms. We have an amazing bunch of coders at St Mary’s. 💻📱🕹😁