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St Mary’s Primary School Sloane Crescent, Killyleagh, Downpatrick

Exploring Space Food

6th Oct 2016

Boys and girls are you ready for some Space food!
Boys and girls are you ready for some Space food!
I wonder what it is?
I wonder what it is?
What is it...?
What is it...?
It smells like...
It smells like...
It looks like....
It looks like....
I smell...
I smell...
I smell
I smell
Hmmmmm what is this taste....?
Hmmmmm what is this taste....?
I don't know if I like this!
I don't know if I like this!
Our turn now!
Our turn now!
Here goes...
Here goes...
My go now!
My go now!
What do you think it is?
What do you think it is?
Is it..... ICE-CREAM!!!ðŸÂ¦
Is it..... ICE-CREAM!!!ðŸÂ¦
Do you want some more?
Do you want some more?